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Naturally Extraordinary

Writer's picture: Jill BrocklehurstJill Brocklehurst

When was the last time you looked at yourself with wonder? I see you. You are a miracle, right here and now. Think about it, not one person has ever, or will ever, be able to recreate the fantastic expression of Light that you are. Yet we give so much of our power away to others whom we think somehow have it better than us, who seem to 'know' something better than us. We ponder their intelligence, their ability to show up and do what they do, and when we self-reflect, we tend to consider ourselves to be pale in comparison (even though that is an impossibility)!

So, I want you to try an experiment. For this moment, turn away from your screen, close your eyes, and imagine a forest. Do it now, even if just for 30 seconds. Open your eyes again when you have finished,

Looking back on your vision, did you imagine any tree in your forest at which you had the thought, “Dang, you are shit for a tree. Like, wherever you came from, somebody made a big mistake"?

No, of course not! We never think that about trees! We admire their variety and the way each one adapts to its environment. We recognize how each tree has its own brilliance in how it contributes to the overall intelligence of the forest. And the forest itself! Well, what a wonder that is! Each tree, bush, bug, bird and animal all play important parts in creating its magnificence.

Humanity has never figured out how to recreate a species as ‘simple’ as a tree, let alone one that compares to the wonders that WE are. Yet, while we can easily see the perfection in Nature's diversity, we often struggle to extend the same appreciation to ourselves. This disconnect shows up most clearly in the way that we speak to ourselves - in that internal dialogue that runs through our minds all day long.

I want you to tune into your inner voices - all of them. This is the first step to living a happier, more contented life. The voice that is often the loudest is "the critic'. You know that one. It is the one that keeps us small, telling us we don’t fit in or that we haven’t 'got it' quite right yet. The thing is, that voice is just one of your voices, but I'll bet it is the one that you have decided is most 'right'. We give it power by listening to it, even though the tales it weaves aren’t True. Sure, perhaps there was a time in our past where that voice kept us safe by playing in defensive mode. The critic is well past its tipping point now, though. The time has come for us to grow beyond our limiting thoughts. Just as each tree in our forest visualizations found a perfect way to grow and thrive, it is time for us to transform critical voices into something more nurturing. Send them this message:

“I love you and am so grateful that we are here today. As of today, however, I am giving you a new job description. When I am afraid and feel small, you are to tell me how much you love me and trust that I know what is right for me. Tell me I am safe. When I am angry, invite me to breathe - to take a moment or two by myself to reconnect and remember that I am an important part of this world, and that I offer value through my ideas, my love, my kindness and my individuality. You are now my cheerleader at all times. You are now to act as the 'High Watch'. For any voice that diminishes me in any way, you set the table straight and lead the way. I am so happy for us to have more fun, peace and balance in our life together.”

Does that seem silly? It isn’t. I have watched individuals who have taken a stand - who have made the decision to choose differently as to which voices they believe. Do their lives instantly transform on the outside in a way that I can see it? Maybe, and maybe not, but just as a forest doesn't transform overnight, what matters is the gradual, steady shift in our inner landscapes (each tree growing at its own perfect pace). What does change for people who choose to make this commitment, is that they move away from despair towards a life that is happier than ever before. They KNOW that the power to live well is an inside job.

Here are the two key points to remember:

  1. I am a brilliant manifestation of Life, uniquely perfect in my own way, and I have my own genius to share with the world.

  2. I have the power to choose the thoughts I think and entertain. The thoughts I play with today are the thoughts that are the building blocks of my tomorrows.

It is with gratitude that I share this wisdom with you. What an adventure we are on together!

Please know, if you ever feel lost or like you are going astray, you can drop me a line. Let’s have a conversation about possibilities.

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