The secret of spiritual power lies in a consciousness of one’s union with the Whole of Life, and belief of the availability of Good.
~ Ernest Holmes

There is no place we can go to find a deeper connection with Life. This Infinite Energy is equally present in all spots. Our direct connection with It isn’t with something outside of ourselves, but within our minds and our hearts. It is revealed as that “Still Small Voice”; the “Whisper from Within”. If this Infinite Presence/Intelligence is what you are I are made of, and if It is indeed infinite, then you and I will continue to expand spiritually and intellectually. This expansion isn’t just true for us. it is true of all Life. It isn’t just me. It’s you, and me, and all things. Together, we are part of “The Infinite Mystery”. The more we study spiritual and mystical literature, and the more we commune with Nature/Life, the more we understand this Great Principle, and so, the more we, then, have a bigger experience of joy, peace, power, love, light, life, and beauty.
Our material world may be finite, but there is a greater Force through everything, that is of this world and beyond.
Celebrated Metaphysician, Ernest Holmes, wrote, “Life manifests Itself through all individuals. No two people are alike; each has a unique place in the universe; each contacts the Infinite Wisdom through their own mentality, in an individual way, drawing from It a unique expression of Its Divine Nature”.
The world as we know it is in a constant state of change. This change is an expansion of Divine Expression. The results we see are only expressions of this Great Principle. They are not the Principle Itself. I don’t presume to judge which change is right or wrong. What I know is that the total of all change is always in movement toward greater Good.
“HUH… how is this possible”, you ask? Look around…
Let’s take the picture, below, as an example. Can you see the fullness of what the image is from this zoomed-in perspective?

We have a tendency to look with a narrow view at what is happening in our lives and world. We zoom in so close that the big picture of our reality becomes obscured; pixilated. When we step back, look up and adopt a higher point of view, we are better situated to see what is really going on. We don’t really know the whole picture… ever!

Back before the year 2000, a woman named Marilyn, living on Quadra Island, was praying to have a Centre like ours near her. Anyone would have told her she was crazy to think that a Centre would open up on an island so small. But Marilyn had been reading the Science of Mind Magazine for over 10 years, and her desire was strong.
Meanwhile in Kelowna, I was moved to become a Spiritual Director. During my studies I happened to divorce, and later met a different man online. Eventually, I moved from Kelowna to be with him on… wait for it… Quadra!! It is there that I opened the first version of our Centre, in 2003. (Marilyn is powerful).
The point is, somebody was praying for me to arrive… but I didn’t know that. How could I know that my divorce would be the answer to someone else’s prayer? I couldn’t. But… there is Something which moves in me, and Something which moves in you. This Something is a power so great that if we could zoom all the way out, we would see that all the movement of all the people, and all the things on this Earth are part a Greater Happening… collaborating together towards the evolution of a Greater Good. Do I know this? I believe this! This is my faith. Ernest Holmes offered this wisdom, that I think fitting: “The secret of spiritual power lies in a consciousness of one’s union with the Whole of Life, and belief of the availability of Good. This Good is accessible to all people”.
“The Universe” is bigger, infinitely bigger, than any one event on this planet. Because Life has not destroyed Itself in all of “time”, and it continues to create and grow, I can only assume that it is always expanding. So, I choose to live my best life. I follow my joy, my heart, knowing the intuitive calling inside of me is in alignment and collaboration with the Callings inside of others. As I wake up and listen more, the world around me aligns more closely to my desires…. and, by extension, the desires of others.
The yearnings I have are already answered before the questions are asked. They represent the voice of the One Life expressing through me, saying, “Go this way.” When I follow that calling, I know I have a Universe of support surrounding me… and now I also know that my calling is the answer to someone else’s longing. I have learned, and I continue to affirm and believe, that my will and my nature is the Will and Nature of the One Life.
Ernest Holmes had wisdom to share on this point as well: “There is a place in us which lies open to the Infinite; but when the Spirit brings Its gift, by pouring Itself through us, It can give to us only what we take. ”This taking is mental. If we persist in saying that Life will not give us that which is good, It cannot. For Life must reveal Itself to us through our intelligence. The pent-up energy of life, and the possibility of further human evolution, work through our imagination and will. ”The time is now; the place is where we are, and it is done unto us as we believe”.
Trust… imagine… move… grow…
And so it is.

~ What are 5 things you are grateful for? Make a 5-point list every night for a week. ~ Write an affirmation for your great life and post where you can see it. ~ Read it (with feeling and faith) daily!

Dear Practitioner: Everything seems to set me off lately… but my life is pretty good. So, what’s going on? Short Answer: “Still waters run deep”. Perhaps it is time to look beneath the surface to shine some light on what shadows may be lurking, unresolved (taking up space where your “Good” could be instead). You can check out this week’s FULL VIDEO RESPONSE on our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram pages (@TheCentreCR). (There are also many other episodes uploaded to our YouTube channel). CLICK HERE to access this week’s response via Facebook, specifically We welcome any questions you would like to submit! Simply email: Free email (or voice memo) affirmation treatments are available, upon request. One-on-one treatment/support sessions are available on an exchange-for-service basis.

Volunteer: We are always in need of volunteers for various things, and we are grateful to each and every one of you who answers the call! This week, thanks is going out to our dedicated leadership team, for all the hours they put in sharing their Good with all of us…. Leading small groups and focus circles, running meditations, attending leadership meetings, serving on boards and committees, fundraising, event planning and facilitation, records keeping, offering ideas, letting people know about the great possibilities that exist at The Centre and inviting folks to join in with classes and events… and so, so much more. Thank you! Thank you! If you have special skills you would like to share, please let us know - we’d love to hear about them, and invite you to the team. We are currently in the market for a volunteer to help with some data entry and digital file management, and we may need help with more upcoming special events. Please email the office, if you are interested. Bright Ideas: How about your own fun activity/event ideas or fundraising campaigns? We’d love to hear from you on any of that as well. It’s so great to have people creatively involved with what we offer. Bright Ideas: We’d love you to follow us and interact (like, follow, share, comment, subscribe, etc) with our social media pages. That helps build community, and also allows more folks to hear about the terrific services, education, programs and events we offer. If you like what we offer, probably your family and friends will too! (And, if you’d like to add our official hashtags to the end of anything you share from The Centre, here they are: #upliftlife #getcentred #TheCentreCR. That’ll help to raise our profile, and create more connections).

Charitable Giving: The Centre is a registered charity that is wholly sustained through donations and memberships… through the generosity of you and folks like you. Thank you!! Your ongoing support and contributions mean that we are still able to offer great programming, empowerment and uplift care for our community, as well as continuing the spiritual practice of sharing our abundance with the wider community as well. You are a part of good work being done. We are very grateful. For every donation total in a year, totalling over $25, we will issue official end-of-year tax receipts. Every little bit helps, no matter the amount, and, if you feel inspired to plan a regular donation each month, that helps us to plan and budget more effectively. Donations can be received in person, through our donate button online on our website, or via e-transfer to admin@the You can also choose to allocate the proceeds from your bottles at the Return-It depot, or through your Thirfty’s SMILE card. And, of course, we are looking for our next property, and we are willing to look at collaborations and partnerships around that. So, if you have property, or you know of anyone who does, or if you know of anyone selling land enough for our vision of an accessible retreat centre, we’d love to hear from you. (CLICK HERE for the link to our vision video on YouTube) Together, we are stronger. Let’s keep on doing our part towards creating “a world that works for everyone!”

Copyright (C) 2022 Centre For Inspired Living - Campbell River. All rights reserved.