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Writer's pictureJill Brocklehurst

The Way a Wizard Walks: Part II

Last week I shared the first part of an article I wrote in 2005 about following the beckoning of your heart and the path of your soul. My sabbatical continues. I have been called to meet my grandson, born August 14th. What a joy! There is always that which draws us forward. Are you listening? Enjoy Part 2!

What is it that we are drawn to about the West Coast shores and the wickedness of Nature in all its majesty? Think about when the water becomes waves that threaten the shoreline and seem to be attempting to devour the land. Imagine how, in a crescendo, water splashes to a towering height and roars in overtures, soaring over any other sound. Something draws us in to explore this further - perhaps the depths of our own raging consciousness. And thus we set out on an adventure ... .

Let me build a home on solid ground in the presence of my Truth...  a meeting place between the raging storm and the quiet centre of my mind. Let me find my Truth that I may live a more rich and empowered life, building bridges from the unseen to the seen.

Often, when we explore our 'dark side' we can get lost. Invariably, however, this doesn’t last for long before we are met with pleasant surprises along the way. If we allow it.

Imagine that the tide is rising and it starts to rain. You can’t seem to find your way back to the comfort of your home. Lost on a rugged shore, you comb the thick forest for an opening; a promise of a trail. There it is! You see what looks like an animal bed under a fallen tree. You climb into the enclosure and look up. Erosion between the trees reveals evidence of past travellers. You climb higher. Remnants of a child's fort can be seen... and yet the forest is still thick. You move on.

You are in a vast rugged wilderness, where you carve platforms between rocks and ancient cedar trees to a build a home where you can experience the raging shoreline in safety. Yet now, rusty gravel trucks, dual wheeled 3/4 tons and the screeching of cement truck brakes in the distance reel your consciousness back to 'civilization'.  Sidewalks, bicycle lanes, grass lawns and rhododendrons now fill your mind and the experience of yourself... the coast and the storm become a distant memory.

This is the way of the wizard. All exists in the present moment and the wizard is aware of every detail as they pass through their experiences. It is in this kind of presence where our greatest power exists. How many of us cling to past events and allow them to define our current experience? The wizard knows that our wild nature within is waiting to experience each event as if for the very first time. Pure experience.

Our attraction to Nature and the ocean is only a reminder of the deep wild nature that resides within. Spirit is always beckoning, luring us forward to reveal the Truth of our divine hidden natures. Each one of us is unique on the path, and our creative choice in demonstrating and manifesting is our own way of the wizard. Respect the mystery and pursue it relentlessly.

If you want to do good for the world, be completely selfish in becoming a wizard.

If you want to do good for yourself, be completely selfish in becoming a wizard.


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