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Writer's pictureJill Brocklehurst

The Way of the Wizard: Part I

While I am away on sabbatical, we thought it would be fun to explore some of the articles I have written in my past. Today, enjoy Part 1 of what will be a 2-part series based on the book, "The Way of The Wizard" by Deepak Chopra. This is a series I first wrote in the summer of 2005.

In his book, Deepak Chopra tells a story based around the myths of King Arthur and the wizard, Merlin.  After Arthur had pulled the sword from the stone, as told in the well known tale, he was afraid and uncertain of his new path.  So, Arthur prayed for the wizard’s help.  What came to him was a vision of his old toys: a doll, a slingshot and a broken mirror.  Arthur was reminded that, when he was 2, he had wanted toys and had received the doll.  When he was 8 and wanting to hunt sparrows, he had received the slingshot, and when he was 15 and wanting to see if girls would find him handsome or ugly, he had received a mirror.  Arthur realized that all the things which appeared to him had eventually been put behind him, and yet each one had been a stepping stone to the very moment he found himself in, those many years later. He exclaimed, “One day I will put away the crown of my wish today.”

Science of Mind teaches us that no matter where we go, the same Infinite Oneness that we are all a part of extends in all directions.  Every place is the same point, surrounded by Infinity. Therefore, each of us is the centre of the universe.  (This, a wizard knows, is true).

As a teacher of conscious thought, my passion is to awaken you to your magnificence.  Please read that clearly.  I did not say my idea of your magnificence, I am referring to your idea of your magnificence. The highest fulfilment in life is to come to know your own Divine Nature, and the most good you can do for the world is to become a 'wizard'. The most good you can do for yourself is to become a wizard, too. A wizard trains in the art of transformation by moving from suffering and ignorance to enlightenment and bliss.

We are all seekers on this path. There is something within each of us that calls us to uncover our deeper Truths. Be assured that you are never lost. Life is always beckoning us to start again on the journey of our hearts (the home of Truth). Each one of us is an individualized expression of Spirit; perfect in our own unique forms. 

So what do you desire?  That is your own individual guidance from within, that speaks with the true voice of the Soul. From a single seed of desire, a whole forest grows. Cherish every deep wish within you, knowing that its energy moves you forward towards your perfect expression. Desire is a path. Rejoice in the desires of the moment you are in, and then be prepared for them to fall away when the time comes for a new way. (Problems arise from holding on when the flow of Life wants us to let go).

The surest way to living your 'awakened life' is through your own wishes. So, what happens when our desires are blocked? We are trapped in a kind of perpetual immaturity.... where we may still be 'playing with our dolls'. Instead, I invite you to dream... and dream BIG. That is the way of the wizard.


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